Community based, non-profit that supports, educates, and advocates for all those in Berkshire County whose lives are affected by mental health problems
Provides information, referrals, classes, workshops, support groups, and advocacy to family members and caregivers of people living with mental health conditions
NAMI Warmline
Non-crisis, free, and confidential phone helpline​
Call or text 413-445-1136 to reach a NAMI warmline operator who can give you perspective on how to find support or just listen
If an operator is not available, please leave a message and your call will be returned within 24 hours
Free family support groups
​For family members of someone with mental illness
Currently all being held remotely
Email for the Zoom meeting link by the Wednesday before a meeting day.
Dates and Times:
2nd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. (Central Berkshire)
4th Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. (Northern Berkshire)
Contact info
Call 413-443-1666 or email

Community programs, crisis stabilization, mental health and recovery, housing & homelessness
They provide walk appointment to any of their CSO locations
Services/Contact info
Massachusetts Family Resource Centers (FRCs)
A statewide network of community-based providers offering multi-cultural parenting resources, support groups, early childhood services, information and other education and referral program, educational programs (including financial literacy)
“The Bridge” Amherst FRC 101 University Drive, Suite A3, Amherst (413.549.0297)
Great Barrington FRC 141 West Avenue Great Barrington (413.528.0298)
The Greenfield Living Room
A peer-led daytime support and diversion program that can be accessed without an appointment, regardless of insurance, and without lengthy intake forms and paperwork. Provides On-Site Laundry, Shower & Kitchen Facility, Housing / Employment Help
140 High St., Greenfield Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday–Saturday (413.775.6760)
The Behavioral Health Community Partner (CP) Program
The CP team includes nurses, counselors, peers, community support workers and a wellness advisor.
Available to all MassHealth recipients ages 21–64 who do not have additional insurance coverage
Call (413.774.1000) for information regarding eligibility
Community Support Program (CSP)
provides an array of services (Assisting with daily living skills, Providing service coordination and linkage, Providing temporary transportation assistance, Safety planning) delivered by community-based, mobile case managers for youth or adults to help maintain progress within the home and community setting
All Stars Afterschool Program
The All Stars Program is a DMH-funded after-school program that provides therapeutic day services for youth ages 6–18 experiencing serious emotional disturbances that interfere with meaningful social connections.
34 N. Maple St., Florence (413.387.4080)
250 S. Main St., Athol (978.709.0410)
6 Arch Pl., Greenfield (413.775.6750)
Call 413.774.1000 for information regarding eligibility.